Certainly there are the siren calls for a government of national unity from opposition MPs (and the PASOK MP who resigned yesterday). The major opposition party is right wing, and the security establishment will have been rocked by the massive and occasionally violent protests and strikes in Greece which have intensified and grown in recent weeks.
Plus by calling for a referendum, he will have infuriated the EU and IMF – and therefore NATO (of which Greece is a member) – and so the Greek military and political right (supportive of the bailout terms) would have potentially had international support.
Twenty four hours after issuing the referendum call, the Cabinet has unanimously backed it, and it will take place in December according to rumours. With no further resignations, Papendreou seems likely to survive a confidence vote on Friday too.
While all this clandestine backroom activity may have been necessary to get the referendum (and avert a coup?) it was the very public protests that have won it. The marches, rallies, strikes, direct action and street-fighting against the government, banks and police have been a demonstration of the commitment of the Greek people to resist austerity.
Now the people have the final say in a referendum, which as Papendreou has said will effectively be on membership of the euro.
So what would a yes or no vote mean?
A yes vote would mean misery heaped upon misery for the Greek people. With a stagnant and contracting economy, high and rising unemployment (16% nationally, but 40% for young people – double the respective UK rates), jobs and services already slashed, taxes increased and wages cut or frozen.
The bailout demands an intensification of austerity to satisfy creditor nations and banks.
A no vote is more complex. It would mean defaulting on debts, an exit from the euro (so as not to further weaken the currency). It would mean reinstating a national currency (drachma mk2).
As Greece would still be an economic mess, this is no silver bullet. The Greek economy is heavily flawed and needs urgent investment. Tax evasion is rife and needs to be immediately addressed, but so does investment – in order to create jobs and bring unemployment down.
Greece would need a friendly nation to support it – to lend to it on a comparatively favourable long-term basis. Which nation could do this? That would depend on the nature of the government in place at the time. A possibility would be one of the BRICs least affected by Greek default, or by going to the Latin America via Mercosur or even ALBA for an extraordinary loan.
To avoid the money markets playing havoc with the new currency, and a descent into Weimar hyperinflation, there would have to be firm capital and export controls – which would in turn necessitate breach EU rules, and presumably necessitate exit from the union entirely. Bilateral arrangements, such as those achieved by other non-EU states should be possible but will take time.
Their victory (albeit partial)* should also inspire anti-austerity struggles across Europe, particularly in Spain, Italy and Portugal.
*It is a victory to have forced their right to have a say, when the EU and IMF though they had done a deal to salvage banks and creditor nations at the Greek people’s expense. But the victory is partial because – without winning a no vote in the referendum and then, crucially, having a unifying vision that their movement can force into the political arena – it may only be kicking the can down the road. But for now, it is the Greek people doing the kicking.
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